Monday. 24 February, 2020 - Sunday. 01 March, 2020
Sunday. 01 March, 2020
6:15 am

Cleanup Australia Day - Imbil State Forest

Clean Up Australia Day Hoop Pine plantation at Imbil State Forest. This is a great opportunity for anyone who uses and loves our forests to help keep them beautiful, so it’d be great to see you there!

Trip Leader: Peter Fowler

Meeting Point: Bakery at Wamuran at 6:15am

Departure Time: 6:30am

They will provide bags, gloves etc on the day.

6:15 am

Cleanup Australia Day - Jimna State Forest

Clean Up Australia Day Hoop Pine plantation at Jimna State Forest. This is a great opportunity for anyone who uses and loves our forests to help keep them beautiful, so it’d be great to see you there!

Meeting Point: Bakery at Woodford at 6:30am

Departure Time: 6:45am

They will provide bags, gloves etc on the day.

7:15 am

Cleanup Australia Day - Glasshouse Mts

Clean Up Australia Day Hoop Pine plantation at Jimna State Forest. This is a great opportunity for anyone who uses and loves our forests to help keep them beautiful, so it’d be great to see you there!

Trip Leader: Craig & Monika English

Meeting Point: BP Northbound at 7:15am

Departure Time: 7:30am

Please take gloves, closed in shoes, hat sunscreen etc on the day.