Queensland 4x4 Club

Enjoy, Don't Destroy
QLD 4x4 Club Double Island Point & Cooloola Beach Camping
Cooloola & Double Island Point Beach Camping & Day Trip
Sometimes the best-laid plans can go astray! Read about the latest Cooloola, Double Island Point camping beach trip. After the hiccup for the trip leader on the way up everyone had a great time camping and on the day drive.
Going by everyone's movements the camping group was all heading up from midday on Friday and Peter was already there from the day before. I met Linda & Jon and Hank at the BP Northbound. We were all doing well with time to make the beach for Double Island at low tide at 3:00 pm.
But wait the Nissan started to have electrical issues and had to stop. I gave the two cars following me the info to get to the campsite and Peter offered to pick up the caravan. In the meantime Ian had offered to come from Geebung and a 2-hour drive to assist me, to see if I could get the Nissan going again.
I can only thank these two, as when I got on the beach the tide was very much come in. The sand was soft and would not have been easy with a caravan on my tail.
That night we had the Club meeting on Zoom from the beach with all the camping crew.
After the meeting, everyone went their own way as it was a long day. The Jordans played some card games and then I joined Linda and Jon for a drink around the cooking fire.
I did give the fishing about 2 hours with no bites from any fish, not even the crabs wanted my bait.
The next morning Rob and I found some whiting coming on the bite and at least Ava had some fish to start her day. Due to the tides, we were not in a hurry to go anywhere so everyone had a relaxing morning before heading to meet Craig's group at Rainbow township.
Left the camp around 10:30 am to take the inland sandy track to Rainbow and met Craig's group at the rooftop pub for lunch. The weather was fantastic with a strong breeze to keep the temp a little down. To keep the ladies happy, I gave the ladies some time to have a look around the shops. Yes, when Janine came back, we had a bag, so then we were good to go.
Ava also got a chance to have a play in the play park as well towing Peter around to assist.
We were all ready to head to Double Island at 2:30 pm to hit the dead low tide to make a safe trip to the Double Island beach for a relaxing on the beach. I did stop for the group to catch up from the rainbow beach when an unmarked police car gave me the hoot to move on.
We all had the chance to have a swim, whilst Adri and I did a bit of whiting fishing. We caught most of the fish in the lagoon where everyone had been swimming. Then Craig's group left us at about 3:30 pm to head for the lighthouse and then head on home.
We left to head back for the happy hour at the campsite about half an hour later. We had our happy hour whilst watching the whales jumping out of the water only a couple of 100 meters outside of the waves.
Sunday morning Rod, Adri, and I all started the day fishing whilst the sleepy heads got a chance to have a late start. Once again, the whiting was there to greet us, and Adri and I both took fish home.
Mid-morning the rest of the group had breakfast and then headed to the lighthouse to watch the Wales. Throughout the day people left to head home when they were ready leaving Rod and Bev as they were staying another night.
Thanks to all who came along for the trip to make it as good as it was.
QLD 4x4 Club drive Double Island Point via Rainbow Beach